Sid Meier's Starships

Sid Meier's Starships - パソコン用

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ダウンロードとインストール Sid Meier's Starships あなたのWindows PCで

あなたのWindowsコンピュータで Sid Meier's Starships を使用するのは実際にはとても簡単ですが、このプロセスを初めてお使いの場合は、以下の手順に注意する必要があります。 これは、お使いのコンピュータ用のDesktop Appエミュレータをダウンロードしてインストールする必要があるためです。 以下の4つの簡単な手順で、Sid Meier's Starships をコンピュータにダウンロードしてインストールすることができます:

1: Windows用Androidソフトウェアエミュレータをダウンロード

エミュレータの重要性は、あなたのコンピュータにアンドロイド環境をエミュレートまたはイミテーションすることで、アンドロイドを実行する電話を購入することなくPCの快適さからアンドロイドアプリを簡単にインストールして実行できることです。 誰があなたは両方の世界を楽しむことができないと言いますか? まず、スペースの上にある犬の上に作られたエミュレータアプリをダウンロードすることができます。
A. Nox App または
B. Bluestacks App
個人的には、Bluestacksは非常に普及しているので、 "B"オプションをお勧めします。あなたがそれを使ってどんなトレブルに走っても、GoogleやBingで良い解決策を見つけることができます(lol). 

2: Windows PCにソフトウェアエミュレータをインストールする

見つけたらクリックしてアプリケーションをインストールします。 それはあなたのPCでインストールプロセスを開始する必要があります。

3:使用方法 Sid Meier's Starships - Windows PCの場合 - Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10

これで、インストールしたエミュレータアプリケーションを開き、検索バーを見つけてください。 今度は Sid Meier's Starships を検索バーに表示し、[検索]を押します。 あなたは簡単にアプリを表示します。 クリック Sid Meier's Starshipsアプリケーションアイコン。 のウィンドウ。 Sid Meier's Starships が開き、エミュレータソフトウェアにそのアプリケーションが表示されます。 インストールボタンを押すと、アプリケーションのダウンロードが開始されます。 今私達はすべて終わった。
あなたは アイコンをクリックします。 それをクリックし、アプリケーションの使用を開始します。

それはあまりにも困難ではないことを望む? それ以上のお問い合わせがある場合は、このページの下部にある[連絡先]リンクから私に連絡してください。 良い一日を!

¥1,500 iTunes上で


約 Sid Meier's Starships

開発者 説明

伝説のデザイナー、シド・マイヤーの冒険溢れるストラテジー・ゲームで、強力な宇宙船艦隊を操縦しよう。新しい世界に旅してミッションを達成し、危険な宇宙海賊や手強い略奪者、その他の敵から惑星と人々を護れ。艦隊を強化しながら惑星連邦を設立し、母星の護衛と銀河の平和、そして人類の未来を守るのだ。種付け時代直後のCivilization: Beyond Earth の世界を舞台に、シド・マイヤーの宇宙船はSFやストラテジーのファンに、他に類を見ないゲームプレイ経験を提供し、Beyond Earthとの互換性を保つことで両ゲームの可能性を更に広げてくれる。さあ、あなたには宇宙を支配する力があるだろうか! • 戦略的宇宙戦争: ミッションでは、ダイナミックに生成されたマップ、勝利条件、敵などと共に、ユニークで戦略的なチャレンジにも挑戦しよう。 • フルカスタマイズ可能な宇宙船: モジュラー宇宙船デザインで、あなたの戦略に適した艦隊を作成しよう。 • 外交、戦略、そして探検: あなたの連邦の影響力を強化して、新しい惑星の市民からの信頼を獲得しよう。各惑星のユニークな特徴を活かして、あなたの艦隊と連邦の能力を高め、敵を制圧するのだ。各世界に改善をもたらし、あなたの連邦の可能性と資源を拡大しよう。 • 冒険溢れる銀河: 様々な世界に艦隊を導き、ミッションを達成して市民や惑星を護りながら、銀河を探検しよう。海賊と戦い、植民地船を護り、敵AIを破壊するのだ。 • 勝利への複数の道: 銀河最大の脅威を討伐して勝利を収めるか。それとも、連邦に世界の過半数を招き入れることで勝利を収めるか。はたまた、科学の新境地を開拓すべく、人々を導くのか。あなたの選択の一つ一つが、勝利への道に影響を与えるのだ。

アプリ レビュー

  • バイ Sacco_Vanzetti

    Needs a lot of work

    I couldn't get past the starting "mission", basic move commands wouldn't work.

  • バイ Nickname925

    Waste of money

    I didn’t get anything out of this game. Like everyone else says, it’s hideously underdeveloped. After less than ten hours of play you’ll pretty much have the whole game figured out. I’d say it reaches less than 5% of its potential. The premise is good & some aspects are there, but there’s no depth at all. It would have barely been acceptible in the 90’s. It's boring.

  • バイ Fadium

    Not Very Deep

    Civilization was great. Fairly deep, lots of things you could or could not do. This game pales by comparison: * All ships are the same - and build the same. * Graphics have many glitches (explosions taking 60 seconds - and there will be lots of them). * The kinks haven’t been worked out of basic game play (infinite loops on certain conditions, crashes). * No real variation between the group selections. * A very short play with little to no story and no flavor. * Game balance is entirely off - some “Wonders” (which are essentially technological advantages instead of anything amazing or wonderful) are entirely more powerful than others. I played it once, it was fun… for about 1.5 hours. Then I tried to play again but it was too boring.

  • バイ nightshades3

    An Interesting Little Game

    I downloaded this game a few days ago and have been happily playing it since then. I will admit that I have a fairly low bar when it comes to games such as this, so having said that, I haven’t been disappointed with it. Also, this is my 1st experience with any of the Sid Meier games so, I have no real frame of reference for them. I have a 2011 13” MacBook Pro with an i7 chip and this game runs rather well on my hardware, which I appreciate. I’ve successfully played 3 different games, playing on both easy and moderate and have had few issues. The game did quit unexpectedly once and, I’ve had to restart a couple of times due to a sound glitch that was merely a simple annoyance rather than a game stopper. I do not have a retina screen so, the graphics are nothing to wow the senses but, the game is colorful and pleasant to view. Even with retina, I doubt the game’s graphics would be particularly noteworthy. Overall, it seems to be a rather lightweight game that will run at least decently on hardware that is a number of years old. The game-play experience is rather straightforward without a great deal of complexity. The main goal is to expand your territory by traveling to planets and performing missions. Once you acquire enough influence [displayed as ring segments around the planet from 0 to 4], that planet joins your federation and you receive all the resources from that planet. Building cities and installing/upgrading factories and technology increases their resource generation. The ships of your fleet have a number of systems for you to upgrade as your progress. They are the usual suspects like: engines, shields, armor, weapons systems, torpedoes, sensors, stealth and fighters. Combat is nothing out of the ordinary but, you can apply some strategy for a change of pace in lieu of simply hammering the other ships. Some of the missions don’t allow your entire fleet to participate but, most of them do with the outcome most always in your favor on both easy and moderate settings. The missions are colored: green, amber, and red to show their difficulty rating which doesn’t come into play that much on the lower game settings. I haven’t yet tried anything above moderate as yet so, I cannot speak to how that might alter the game play. My personal opinion is that $10 might be a bit too much for a game like this but, I’m not sorry that I bought it. It’s the kind of thing I enjoy just sitting down to play for a while as a fun distraction. It isn’t so involved that you really have to dive deep and plan out your strategy in order to win. You can just play and enjoy it for what it is. There is definitely room for improvements and additions which could possibly further enrich the game an extend it’s re-play value. This is the reason which I elected to give the game 4 stars. For me, I’ve been enjoying the game and will likely continue to play for quite some time so, if this is the type of game you enjoy, I would say it is worth getting. Play and enjoy! That is, after all, the point of games. May you all enjoy life and live with great joy and happiness!

  • バイ sweet teeth joe

    unplayable on macbook

    You might expect better quality in a Sid Meire game… you might be disappointed. I enjoy the game, it’s a simple waste of time, BUT it can only be played when using a mouse with the ability to right-click. The game does not understand a ‘ctl-click’ as a right click for some reason, so that leaves out my MacBook Pro, unless it’s convenient to tote around an external mouse and have a table to play on. Oddly enough, it works quite well with a wacom tablet which doesn’t exactly have a right click either. If the game had more depth it might be an issue, but after playing the game a dozen times or so on a tabletop mac i thinks i is done with it.

  • バイ Melvin2234567

    It just OK

    Its an ok game. The first time I played it, I had a good time. As time went on, though, it got repetitive. Like the second time I played. Battles are just hunt and destroy. There is no real diplomacy. No customization to ships and their levels are capped at 8. So all my ships are level 8 in every category now. There is a bug when you do a lot of damage to a ship it takes forever for the “Blown Up, Sir” montage to pass. The missions are repetitive. Just a so-so game.

  • バイ AtomicSuperman

    Very enjoyable, but needs some updates

    Extremely high potential. I have really enjoyed this game. Lots of bugs and some of the worst graphics you will ever see but it is quite a fun game! Graphics need to be upped for mac: more polygons (its really rough guys. REALLY rough. I should not be able to count the polygons of an asteroid and stop at 7). Use retina assets. That starships video at the beginning and end are blurry, stretching what is acceptable on a low end 2014 imac. Use smoke damage to help indicate damaged ships. Larger fonts, and better mouse and multitouch pad scrolling for the help pages End turn is confusing, as it ends for a particular ship of yours. There should be a ship health and status view somewhere that shows all of your ships in combat. A little more help, perhaps tutorial on diplomacy and trading. Bugs: Sensor ping by AI will result in bad audio bug if more than one of your ships is stealthed. The ‘you destroyed the ship’ zoom in is glitched with a very big hit… takes forever to watch the slow zoom and you go well past the ship, sometimes inside a planet. RIght click is glitchy. I have to left-click sometimes to get a right click through. But again, VERY FUN. you have the ingredients, now bake the cake.
