Run With Hal - Training Plans

Run With Hal - Training Plans - パソコン用

バイ Peaksware, LLC

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3:使用方法 Run With Hal - Training Plans - Windows PCの場合 - Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10

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開発者 説明

Run With Hal personalizes a training plan based upon your personal running routine, fitness level, and life’s schedule to help you conquer any event from 5K to Marathon or help you get fit through running. Hal chooses the perfect plan for you based upon your goals and experience, then he crafts your personalized schedule. Your plan will incorporate the most important workouts on the days you’re able to run. Plus, the plan is always adapting to changes in your schedule, fitness, and goals. Hal can even adapt your plan around times when you can’t run (vacation) and incorporate additional events that you’ve signed up for. Once you finish your first plan, you can choose your next goal and Hal will create a brand new plan for you. All of your workouts will give you specific details of how fast and long to run, and you will get daily helpful tips from Hal to help you reach your goals and learn about running. **Run with Hal Features** - Choose your key event and Hal will build your plan to get you ready for race day. - Smart and Adaptive Plans - Hal adapts your plan based upon YOUR LIFE’S SCHEDULE! - Days you can and can’t run each week - Day you would like to do your Long Run - Days you can’t run for special circumstances (vacation or work trip) - Hal personalizes pace based upon your current fitness, whether you can run a 20 min or 50 min 5K. - Add additional events and Hal will adjust your plan. - If life changes, Hal will update your plan based upon changes in your schedule, fitness, goals, and even how much training you have been able to complete. - Hal gives you detailed daily workouts with distance, duration, and paces. - Hal will also give you daily training guidance and insights on how to become a better runner. - Record your runs using your phone’s GPS. - Log your runs and how you felt. Hal might even suggest an update to your plan. - Sync your Garmin runs to record your completed workouts. - Track your progress, see how closely you’ve stuck to your plan, and see what’s next. - Keep track of your training plan stats. Average pace, total distance, and more. - Record your Personal Records. - If you need an extra nudge, Hal is happy to send you daily push notifications reminding you of your workouts, or to log your miles from today’s run. He wants you to reach your goal and will be there to coach you to the finish line. - Hal’s team is here to help, if you have questions about how to personalize your plan, we will make sure you get the right answer. **Run with Hal will find the perfect plan for you, including more than 30 of Hal Higdon’s training plans** - Marathon Novice, Intermediate, Advanced - Half Marathon Novice, Intermediate, Advanced - 15K (10 mile) Novice, Intermediate, Advanced - 10K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced - 8K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced - 5K Novice, Intermediate, Advanced - 50K Ultramarathon - Base Training - And more. **A little bit about your coach, Hal Higdon** Hal Higdon has been called “the internet’s best-known running training plan guru”. From novice to advanced, Hal offers plans for every distance, skill level, and pace. Incorporating wisdom from Hal’s bestseller Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide, he has you covered with more than 50 years of training and coaching experience. Hal is a Contributing Editor for Runner’s World and is the magazine’s longest lasting writer, having contributed an article to RW’s second issue in 1966. He also is the author of over 3 dozen books, including Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide and Hal Higdon’s Half Marathon Training. In 2003, the American Society of Journalists and Authors awarded Hal its Career Achievement Award, the highest honor given to writer members. Higdon’s unique narrative style connects with millions of visitors on his website, Facebook, and Twitter. Higdon lives on Lake Michigan in Long Beach, Indiana. He has 3 children and 9 grandchildren.

アプリ レビュー

  • バイ

    Lacks plan flexibility

    I really wanted to like this app and even signed up for the monthly subscription to give it a go. But after discovering that the user is unable to re-shuffle assigned running days around to better work with a real life schedule, I cancelled the subscription. This app is promising and no other apps are touching a 50k training plan, or giving you the ability to create a modified training plan that already takes into consideration your current fitness level. For example, the Nike Run Club app won’t allow you to make a shorter plan for a marathon even if you’re already doing them on a regular basis, which I am. This app will do that. But the inability to shuffle run days around is a dealbreaker. If it ever gets added to the feature set, I’m in.

  • バイ Kiley the awrsome

    Not so good

    I would NOT waste my time on this dinosaur that isn’t very user friendly. 1st, hard to change your goal. 2nd, hard to log in prior runs. 3rd, this app is not very robust, even if you up grade. It died to do much. No cross training offered, just running till injury. AND last but the BIGGEST, it does not sink to apple watches. So, if you can start your watch and app at the same time, gave only one goal and only want to run this man made app is fir you. Don’t forget the grace period to log a prior run is very small. Anyone who gives this app a good review has to be a paid reviewer because there is no way anyone would love this low level app!!

  • バイ EueyDuey

    Fix manual input

    I have been using Hal Higdon's marathon plans since 2010. Just discovered the app a year or two ago. The latest update, however, is having a problem saving when I manual input my runs. It keeps processing with the little circle constantly in motion, but ends in an error message. When I check it, it does indeed save. It's an annoyance that wasn't there before the update. Please fix. Thanks!

  • バイ kjp684

    Excellent, but won't load after iOS 14 update

    My running has really improved since I started using this app and running program. But the app won't load after I updated my phone to iOS 14. Really looking forward to a compatibility update for this app!

  • バイ Run SheVegas

    Run like Hell!

    I used the advanced program for my third marathon. I ran what I felt was an extremely difficult course with various surfaces of grass, gravel, and asphalt loaded with rolling hills. I turned in a twenty minute improvement netting me a 3:18:14 (45-49 age group). I’ll be honest, I felt a little underwhelmed at first with the workouts. However, as I logged those workouts and entered my feedback the app slowly tightened the screws on me. It had me running a good variety of training runs that I strongly feel benefited me for the race I entered - especially the hill repeats. I believe this app/program is great for those that are new and already have a good cross-training program they are committed to. There are no strength and conditioning workouts, it’s purely a running program. One thing I noticed that I feel the app may have missed. I had to change events due to my target marathon getting canceled/corona’ed and start a new one. I felt like it reset my workout intensity back to the beginning instead of picking up where I left off. Overall, I can’t complain; how could I, twenty minutes is huge in my opinion!

  • バイ JJO74

    Great app for distance training

    I love this app. I love that it calculates the schedule and creates a calendar based on target date, target pace, and average miles at the start. Higdon’s training regimes have pushed me to my PR in the past. I will always using them to reach for improvement. This and my Garmin are all I need to train.

  • バイ Sadako101

    Disappointing app support

    The plan won’t update after the app is updated to the latest version. Emailed support zendesk, two days no works great when it works, when it doesn’t , you have two options, cancel the subscription OR patiently wait for a response from the support team.
