Lost Bible Books and Apocrypha

Lost Bible Books and Apocrypha - パソコン用

バイ Oleg Shukalovich

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約 Lost Bible Books and Apocrypha

開発者 説明

The Lost Books of the Bible and The Forgotten Books of Eden The Lost Books of the Bible by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr., 1926 This is a collection of New Testament Apocrypha, including many works which were admired and read by the early Christians, but which were later excluded from the canonical Bible. It includes accounts of the young Jesus, particularly the Gospel of Mary and the Protevangelion, which provides additional folklore about the birth and youthful adventures of Jesus and which are missing now. Of note are the letters of Paul and Seneca, and the letters of Herod and Pilate, which are most likely a forgery, but add more depth to the question of the historicity of Jesus. There are also a number of non-canonical epistles, such as Laodiceans. Also worth a close read are the three books of the Shepherd of Hermas, which uses apocalyptic and symbolic imagery. This collection is an invaluable selection of portions of the New Testament which illustrates the fluid nature of the early Biblical canon, and provides access to all of the 'spare parts.' The Forgotten Books of Eden by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr., 1926 This is a popularized translation of the OT pseudepigrapha, quasi-Biblical writings which never achieved canonical status (or inclusion in any of the official Apocrypha). This isn't to say that these documents are forgeries, just that for one reason or another they were not considered part of the Biblical text by the first millenium (C.E.) compilers. This book contains translations of all of the texts found in volume I of the weighty Oxford University Press Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, without any of the apparatus. You can find here for free such popular books as: The Apostles' Creed, The Shepherd of Hermas, The First Book of Adam and Eve, The Gospel of Nicodemus and many others books which are missing of the Bible!

アプリ レビュー

  • バイ Serenityah

    Highlight & notes

    It needs a highlighter & notes tool that allows you to save certain verses

  • バイ Salli C


    There are A LOT of typos & the secrets of Enoch chapter VIII is incomplete, missing verses?

  • バイ Great and awesomeness

    I love it!

    It is just what I was searching for.

  • バイ Escalanteutah


    Awesome and extremely educational books. They talk about Jesus’s life where the books in the Bible are missing that information.

  • バイ Mamaw Darlene

    Little disappointed

    I have downloaded a lot of books by this developer that I have found extremely helpful which is why I gave this app a five star rating. However, I am a little disappointed in this app because even though it has a no ads symbol displayed beside the menu there is a google ad at the bottom of the page that blocks the content. I clicked on the ad and indicated to google that it blocked the content and they said they would remove the ad. They just changed it to a different ad and moved it to the middle of the page. I deleted the app and reinstalled it and the ad is still there but it is back at the bottom. When I tried to contact the developer and report the issue, I found I would have to create an account and login before I could even report the issue. That is not going to happen, I have enough accounts and passwords to keep track of. So, just thought I would let other users know what to expect.
