Vine's Expository Dictionary

Vine's Expository Dictionary - パソコン用

バイ Oleg Shukalovich

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あなたのWindowsコンピュータで Vine's Expository Dictionary を使用するのは実際にはとても簡単ですが、このプロセスを初めてお使いの場合は、以下の手順に注意する必要があります。 これは、お使いのコンピュータ用のDesktop Appエミュレータをダウンロードしてインストールする必要があるためです。 以下の4つの簡単な手順で、Vine's Expository Dictionary をコンピュータにダウンロードしてインストールすることができます:

1: Windows用Androidソフトウェアエミュレータをダウンロード

エミュレータの重要性は、あなたのコンピュータにアンドロイド環境をエミュレートまたはイミテーションすることで、アンドロイドを実行する電話を購入することなくPCの快適さからアンドロイドアプリを簡単にインストールして実行できることです。 誰があなたは両方の世界を楽しむことができないと言いますか? まず、スペースの上にある犬の上に作られたエミュレータアプリをダウンロードすることができます。
A. Nox App または
B. Bluestacks App
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2: Windows PCにソフトウェアエミュレータをインストールする

見つけたらクリックしてアプリケーションをインストールします。 それはあなたのPCでインストールプロセスを開始する必要があります。

3:使用方法 Vine's Expository Dictionary - Windows PCの場合 - Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10

これで、インストールしたエミュレータアプリケーションを開き、検索バーを見つけてください。 今度は Vine's Expository Dictionary を検索バーに表示し、[検索]を押します。 あなたは簡単にアプリを表示します。 クリック Vine's Expository Dictionaryアプリケーションアイコン。 のウィンドウ。 Vine's Expository Dictionary が開き、エミュレータソフトウェアにそのアプリケーションが表示されます。 インストールボタンを押すと、アプリケーションのダウンロードが開始されます。 今私達はすべて終わった。
あなたは アイコンをクリックします。 それをクリックし、アプリケーションの使用を開始します。

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無料 iTunes上で


約 Vine's Expository Dictionary

開発者 説明

Vine Expository Dictionary with KJV Bible verses. It is a cross-reference from key English words in the Authorized King James Bible Version to the original words in the Greek texts of the New Testament. In his preface to the book, Vine wrote, - "The present volumes are produced especially for the help of those who do not study Greek, though it is hoped that those who are familiar with the original will find them useful." Vine did not write an equivalent work for Old Testament Hebrew words; however, Vine's work is sometimes combined with another author's Hebrew dictionary and marketed under Vine's name as a "complete" expository dictionary. It provides a concise meaning of the original Greek word, often providing Bible verse references as examples. If there are several Greek words that may translate to the same English word, Vine's distinguishes the shadings of meaning and connotation that may be lost in the English translation. For example, there are a number of Greek words that may be translated by the English word love. Vine's also provides the definition of a word (as used in the King James Version) more accurately than an English dictionary, because it expands the Greek use of the word. For example, the word, "godliness" in 1 Tim. 2:2 is defined in the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary as "1: Divine 2: pious, devout -", but in Vines, it is defined as " 'to be devout,' denotes that piety which is characterized by a Godward attitude, does that which is well-pleasing to Him." So we have a fuller meaning of the word by seeing how the word is used in the NT. Dear users - I made this dictionary with KJV Bible verses (because it's more popular), but if you want use it with ASV version please let me know. Also I would like to make clickable Strong Numbers (like Bible verses) - when clicked would open the description and other information about the Strong Number. But I do not know how much you need it. I would be happy to improve this app together!

アプリ レビュー

  • バイ SassyShi

    Shirley Beloved of God

    App is easy to use and provides Greek and Hebrew definitions. As a new bible study teacher, the discovery of this tool has been a blessing.

  • バイ Flewthekoop

    Vine’s excellent App

    Every Bible student should own Vine’s dictionary and this app is great because first of all, it’s free, and secondly, it allows Vine to be easily accessed. All that is needed is to look up any word alphabetically and Vine’s does the rest: giving definitions and Scripture references so you gain more insight to the meaning of the Greek words. It is based on the KJV Bible so keep that in mind if you are using another version. I have depended on Vine’s hardback book for years and am glad to have his sound teaching in App form.

  • バイ TicalionStallion

    Word search

    All words and verses or cross verses are not all found in this wonderful though of app which makes it easy to find and understand. Love the app it just needs an up date

  • バイ Rough&Ready

    Excellent Bible Study tool!

    I have a hardback book version which I have kept at the head of my bed for years. I enjoy learning about the Bible and Vines is an excellent means to learn about the Bible!

  • バイ Milt Reynolds

    Easy to Use, Helpful... Where is the Ad-free Version?

    I'm enjoying the Vine's Dictionary app on my iPhone 6 (12.4.5). I've found it easy to use and helpful. I would like the ad-free version. I clicked the "No-Ad", button and selected "upgrade", but nothing happened. I searched the app's description in the Apple Store, but found no reference to a paid version. Can you help?

  • バイ squire65z


    Love this app. Makes Bible study interesting.

  • バイ Jae22


