Bible Dictionary and Glossary

Bible Dictionary and Glossary - パソコン用

バイ Oleg Shukalovich

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3:使用方法 Bible Dictionary and Glossary - Windows PCの場合 - Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10

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約 Bible Dictionary and Glossary

開発者 説明

Webster's 1828 Bible Dictionary: The 1828 Webster's Dictionary of the English language is based upon God's written word. Noah Webster used the Bible as the foundation for his definitions. Easton's Bible Dictionary: The Third Edition of The Illustrated Bible Dictionary by Matthew George Easton, M.A., D.D. (1823-1894), was published in 1897 (three years after Easton's death) by Thomas Nelson. It contains 4,000 entries relating to the Bible, from a 19th century Christian viewpoint. Smith's Bible Dictionary: The original dictionary was published as a three volume set in 1863. The dictionary was named after its editor, William Smith. It was so popular that a condensed version was produced soon after. King James Bible Dictionary: Authorized in 1611 by James I of England, the King James Version (Authorized Version) is still the most often purchased translation of God's word. However, since that time the English language has evolved. This dictionary defines 6581 words that are not common to modern English Vine Expository Dictionary: It is a cross-reference from key English words in the Authorized King James Bible Version to the original words in the Greek texts of the New Testament. Thompson Chain Reference Bible: Thompson's study Bible 1908 containing 3,648 entries with KJV verse Nave's Topical Bible Concordance: Nave's Topical Bible is a book written by Orville James Nave. Nave was a chaplain in the United States Army and referred to his work as "the result of fourteen years of delight and untiring study of the Word of God." It is a topical concordance of the Bible, and contains Biblical references to over 20,000 topics. Scripture is quoted over 100,000 times; the same Scripture citation may appear under several headings

アプリ レビュー

  • バイ Gisslc

    Very efficient!

    Very efficient app. Quick. Great resource. So far, I find every word I looked for. Thank you!!!

  • バイ tb2021

    Regular dictionary

    I felt like this was more like a dictionary and not a Bible dictionary with references. There are very few references but it serves more like a regular dictionary

  • バイ JB, Jr

    Bible Tool

    This dictionary is a very good Bible Tool App.

  • バイ Prophetess York


    Handy tool when it comes to studying!

  • バイ Bear2nakai


    Wonderful and very helpful for me in definition of words.

  • バイ youcansingarainbow

    Simple and Easy!!♡

    As a 12 y/o, this app is really great for a beginner like me. It’s concept is simple yet you learn so much! Easy as that!

  • バイ is possibl

    Great book

    This is a very great book for students of the word of God
