Bible Concordance and Strongs with KJV verses

Bible Concordance and Strongs with KJV verses - パソコン用

バイ Oleg Shukalovich

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あなたのWindowsコンピュータで Bible Concordance and Strongs with KJV verses を使用するのは実際にはとても簡単ですが、このプロセスを初めてお使いの場合は、以下の手順に注意する必要があります。 これは、お使いのコンピュータ用のDesktop Appエミュレータをダウンロードしてインストールする必要があるためです。 以下の4つの簡単な手順で、Bible Concordance and Strongs with KJV verses をコンピュータにダウンロードしてインストールすることができます:

1: Windows用Androidソフトウェアエミュレータをダウンロード

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A. Nox App または
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2: Windows PCにソフトウェアエミュレータをインストールする

見つけたらクリックしてアプリケーションをインストールします。 それはあなたのPCでインストールプロセスを開始する必要があります。

3:使用方法 Bible Concordance and Strongs with KJV verses - Windows PCの場合 - Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10

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約 Bible Concordance and Strongs with KJV verses

開発者 説明

KJV Bible Concordance and Strong's Concordance. It's great bible study tool. Here you will find: Alphabet index of all words from the Bible (total in app 12839) ("the, and, of" are excluded - don't use them in search query) Bible Concordance -- you can search by any biblical word Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries with information from Hebrew and Greek Lexicons. Use numbers in search query to find them. Excluded some Greek words which not used in the Bible - G1400, G1418, G2717, G3203-G3302, G4452 and G5104 Strong's Concordance (Strong's Exhaustive Concordance) -- the concordance you find below information of the Strong's number All bible verses in concordance with clickable strongs numbers! I hope this app will be your perfect companion in the study of the Bible! Also I hope you will not have to carry a heavy book and spend much time on the search. You only need about 37Mb on your device. If you want to see concordance of another bible version or may be another language (without strong's numbers and concordance) - please let me know. If you are annoyed about ads - you can remove them by upgrading your app to paid version. Feel free to contact me if you want to improve or have any problems with this app.

アプリ レビュー

  • バイ Ceedykay

    Almost perfect!!

    I use this app every single day. I love it!! What a great study tool it is. However, there is one glitch that is a bit frustrating. Hopefully I can explain it. When looking up a word by typing in the entire word, you can’t find it. You have to backspace to eliminate a few letters in order to find it. Sometimes this requires scrolling through many similar words before finding what you’re looking for. If that were fixed (as it was previously), this app would deserve an A++!!

  • バイ glennparry


    This is NOT a complete concordance. Just this morning I was looking for “incense”, allI got was “incensed”. Then I tried for “altar” and all I got was “altars”. If a concordance is not complete it is just frustrating. I had to resort to my old, worn out “Cruden’s Complete Concordance”. Oh if someone would just put that one in digital format!

  • バイ Paulytat

    Awesome App

    I have used Strong’s Concordances for several years. It’s wonderful to have this App which is so easy to navigate. Sure beats lugging that big, bulky book around! God bless you in your future studies of His Word.

  • バイ Kappy3712

    Wrong designation

    THERE IS NO SUCH COUNTRY AS "palestine". It is a mis-homer given to ISRAEL, The PROMISED LAND given by one of the Caesar that hated Israel. YOU ARE MORE THAN WRONG TO REFER TO THE PROMISED LAND, ISRAEL, IN THAT MANNER. IT ISRAEL IS NOT A muslim state. IT IS ISRAEL. ASK GOD!!!!!!!

  • バイ Vixmail

    Isaiah 9:3 is WRONG

    Isaiah 9:3 is WRONG

  • バイ Thankful 777777777777

    Thank you!!!

    I love this app, it has the strongs numbers and I really want to say thank you for this app

  • バイ Lsk289

    Won't work right

    I've tried to open several times I can't get the app to work So tried to delete app/reinstall, but that won't work either! Ive tried had shut downs etc.. Nothing just an app that is taking up space on my iPhone
