Thompson's Study Bible with KJV Reference Verses

Thompson's Study Bible with KJV Reference Verses - パソコン用

バイ Oleg Shukalovich

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3:使用方法 Thompson's Study Bible with KJV Reference Verses - Windows PCの場合 - Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10

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約 Thompson's Study Bible with KJV Reference Verses

開発者 説明

Thompson's study Bible 1908 containing 3,648 entries with KJV verses. Public domain version of the Thompson Chain Reference Bible. The heart of the Thompson Chain-Reference system is Thompson's "chain topics" with bible verses. The system incorporates over 4,000 such chains. You can add to favorites most liked bible words, copy all and any part of the text, share the text, look bible verses (KJV) by clicking on them, increase/decrease font size. I hope you find this study bible tool convenient and useful for studying the Scripture.

アプリ レビュー

  • バイ GBMBC

    Very good index

    This is a great index tool, and while it lacks the complexity of the Thompson Chain Bible, I would in no wise call it "junk”. No doubt it could be improved, but one thing I have learned as a minister of the Gospel of Christ; “the easier it comes, the less it’s appreciated.” God’s Word is meant to be prayerfully sought, prayerfully studied, and prayerfully meditated upon. But all this prayer is irrelevant if there is not a personal relationship with the Father Who is being prayed to. That connection can only be obtained through Christ Jesus. I give 4 stars as this app has been very useful to me as an index, but NOTHING can EVER substitute DAILY DEVOTED TIME spent in that Prayerful study of God’s Word.

  • バイ craigdaron

    Love the app...Needs landscape mode.

    I love the app. It just needs to turn to landscape when I turn My iPad. It is only in portrait.

  • バイ dkr-thompsonchain


    Ads free upgrade doesn’t work on my iPhone

  • バイ ww2861

    Good cross references

    Good cross references

  • バイ avidreader10

    NOT real Thompsons

    Pros: pick a topic and read every scripture on that topic in order. Good for beginners. Cons: all you get us one line of scripture. No way to read the context unless you have an open Bible in front of you. You cannot tap the scripture and go to the Bible page. This is NOT a full Bible but more a catalogue of scripture by topic. Useful for beginners but severely lacking. Also. Print size is adjustable on topic list only. When you tap the link to a scripture it opens in a tiny box in the middle if the screen. Tiny 1" x 2" rectangle with one line of relevant scripture typed. Inadjustible box and tiny font. Not good for older persons or anyone with visual limitations. Your eyes will tire if straining. I give it 2 stars because it is somewhat useful and someone with young eyes may like it. A lot of work went into the app so the developer deserves a couple of stars but much could be done to make this better including adding the ability to access the full scripture page if you want to and making the font size in the box match the font size the user has chosen.

  • バイ Xpoman


    There is not one single Thompson Chain Reference, nor any of Frank Charles Thompsons notes. Though this is a good resource, it in no way represents Thompson's wonderful work!

  • バイ 4bizedavis

    Not a Thompson Chain Reference Bible but a Vines Dictionary

    This is a great word location reference but not a bible. Also the ads for the Book of Mormon are persistent and annoying. Nothing I did made them go away.
